Busy Tuesday
Struan had a private charter from Port Appin on Tuesday. The wind Northerly and a cold feel in the air, the cabin provided vital shelter for the guests. The newly weds had a fantastic time on the water and had a tasty lunch in Tobermory at Cafe Fish.The following sea on the return leg proved to be smooth, with some tide against wind at Lismore lighthouse.
Meanwhile Cameron had a wee wildlife trip from Oban, the seals where out in force at the Creags. They also spotted a Sea Eagle soaring above the mainland near Kerrera. At high water he was down to Loch Melfort to pick up a couple for a private charter to the Corryvreckan. The power could be seen at the tide ripped through towards the East. There was up to 20 red deer on the North end of Jura and a few wild goats. Another Sea Eagle was spotted at the Corryvreckan. A great day for wildlife.