On the move
Friday was a busy day on the water. Cameron took a group for an overnight trip down to Jura. They left at 1100 with poor visibility but it soon cleared to be a beautiful day. They visited the Grey Dogs and the Corryvrecken. Both of them were running with a lot of power, large standing waves at both as the swell rolled in. They had lunch at Croabh then a drink at Crinan before cruising down to Craighouse. After a great night at the hotel they powered North back to Oban.
Also on Friday Struan took a group out for a private charter up to Tobermory. The intention was to head to the Treshnish Isles but due to the sea conditions they decided to take it easy and cruise down the sound of Mull and round Lismore. During the trip Struan spotted the Yeoman Bontrup being towed to the East side of Lismore Lighthouse where she dropped her anchor and is awaiting further Tug assistance. A unique sight in the Firth of Lorn.