Great Weather

Coastal Connection have been out on the water with lots of Wildlife. On Sunday Cameron took a boat load for a wildlife trip. As they cruised across the Lorne the Stornoway SAR helicopter flew over heading West. The weather was calm and the low tide allowed the seals to bask in the sun in large numbers. Lots of sea birds were spotted and the castles looked even more impressive with a blue sky behind them.

Monday had Cameron at Eriska hotel for a private charter. They had a fantastic run round the North end of Lismore and down past Glensanda quarry. As they neared the Grey rocks they spotted a mature Sea Eagle, a great sight. A quick cruise up to Tobermory where they had a fantastic lunch and a wee visit to the distillery. The high tide allowed Cameron to take the boat through the South channel. Lots of Shags could be seen in their nests. On the return trip to Eriska they spotted porpoise and lots of seals near Lismore. It was a great day out and the team wish them a safe trip back home. 

